Race for Education
CCA Race for Education
It’s that time of year to launch our annual CCA Race for Education (RFE)! The Race for Education fundraiser will take place from April 26th- May 16th, with the student race and celebration event taking place on Friday, May 24th. All PreK-12th grade students have the opportunity to participate in the fundraiser and event!
Our Race for Education serves as a focused fundraiser to support the needs/updates around the school. This year our focus for our fundraising is to purchase new desks for some of our classrooms, playground equipment, and S.M.A.R.T. projectors.
Our goal for our Race for Education fundraiser is $35,000. You can help meet this goal by helping your child find sponsors to donate to support their racing. Each student has the opportunity to earn prizes for both messages sent and funds raised.
All funds are due May 16th to be counted towards earning prizes! Prizes will be awarded before the end of the school year. More information about the fundraiser, event, t-shirt orders, and prizes will be available in the RFE informational email.